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Dance of the bars | Wood is music

To unite dance and music at the same time was the dream of Ania Losinger, a dancer and musician from Switzerland. Together with the Swiss instrument maker Hamper von Niedernhäusern, she fulfilled this dream and developed a new instrument, the Xala, which is unique worldwide.

The Xala, a kind of oversized xylophone that lies hori­zontally on the floor, consists of sound bars and sound plates made of wood, aluminium, stone, glass or con­ crete and at the same time represents the dance floor on which Ania Losinger dances her performance.

It can be transportable or permanently installed and forms a multi­layered sound body. The first Xala was created in 1998/99; in the meantime there are three, which differ significantly in size and sound.

The Xala is played by the artist dancing with flamenco shoes and human­sized wooden sticks to make the sound plates resound. An acoustically and visually fascinating combination, danced sounds ­ sometimes spherical, sometimes very concrete.

Together with the composer, percussionist and mul­ti­instrumentalist Mats Eser, the sound­dance artist has been developing new sound universes charac­terised by strong rhythms since 2005. Both founded the quartet NEN [e]merging structures – hypnotic soundscapes and expanded the sound dimensions. With the 3rd Xala, which was specially developed by Losinger, Eser and von Niedernhäuser for a Xala pro­ duction for the Spanish Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai, the Xala became electro­acoustic and ma­kes new sound spaces possible.

Ania Losinger and Mats Eser perform worldwide.

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EDITION 1 - 2024

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