No poor people's emergency food
Nutrition with forest trees? At first, that sounds either like times of crisis and war or like a survival adventure.
And really, sawdust and bark flour were often used in earlier times to stretch cereal flours in order to save money. However, this emergency food also had a high health-promoting effect, so that so-called "sawdust biscuits" are used for intestinal cleansing in some countries. The finest sawdust mixed with wholemeal spelt flour, sultanas, olive oil and spices is surprisingly tasty and easy to digest. In various regions of Scandinavia, too, the bast of spruce, elm, aspen and pine is used for flour production and benefits from the high content of iron, manganese, zinc and flavonoids.
The health benefits of the "wild" flours, leaves and wild fruits are one side of what makes the trees so interesting. The other is that completely new culinary universes can be opened up if one has the courage to use tree leaves, buds, blossoms, shoot tips or barks in the kitchen. For what was common practice in earlier times, for example using tree leaves for salads, spinach dishes and large leaves like vine leaves, or making thickened tree sap, must be rediscovered today. What worlds of aroma open up once you start!
The 5th issue of our lifestyle magazine - SIGNATURE by Dianium Residence reveals a variety of interesting topics about the forest. Already read it? Browse online now!
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