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Our book tip: The Year of the Dugong - Consider What You Do Today

Imagine waking up and everything is different than you have ever known it: The people, the surroundings, the names ... just everything.

Thanks to cryonics, you have been catapulted into the future and successfully brought back to life from your ice-cold machine tomb. And then there are people around you who recognise in you the only representative of a past civilisation that first unconsciously initiated a mass extinction on planet Earth and later consciously accepted it. An unexpected and in its outcome open inventory of what was begins ... John Ironmonger has written an exciting reflection on our time: "The Year of the Dugong", absolutely worth reading!

SIGNATURE by Dianium Residence - the lifestyle magazine - takes you to the most beautiful destinations in Europe and the world, tells stories that life writes and inspires in more than numerous topics around lifestyle, culinary, art and culture.


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EDITION 1 - 2024

Read now the No6 of SIGNATURE by Dianium Residence magazine.



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